AUGUSTA – Lance Dutson, a former spokesman for the Maine Republican Party and Republican House Speaker, will be the new chief executive officer of the Maine Heritage Policy Center.

The conservative think tank was formerly led by Tarren Bragdon, who left the post earlier this year to take a job in Florida.

Dutson, of Portland, will officially begin leading the group on Aug. 8, according to a press release issued this morning. In addition to most recently working as communications director for House Speaker Bob Nutting, he also served as a top staffer on Republican gubernatorial primary candidate Steve Abbott’s campaign and prior to that as new media director for U.S. Sen. Susan Collins. 

The Maine Heritage Policy Center is a non-profit, tax-exempt organization that researches and promotes conservative public policy. In recent years it has supported charter schools, reforming Maine’s health insurance laws and reducing the size of Maine government. It also has been a vigorous supporter of Maine’s Right-To-Know laws and promotes government transparency.

“I’m honored for this opportunity to lead an organization that has a long and successful record promoting limited government and economic freedom for Maine’s citizens and taxpayers,” Dutson said in a release. 


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