READFIELD — A federal grant will allow Maranacook Student Health Center to upgrade the space for patients and the computer system.

The center is one of four school-based health centers in the state to receive capital grants through the Affordable Care Act. Across the country, 278 school-based health centers received $95 million.

The Maranacook center, which serves RSU 38’s high school and middle school students, received $34,563.

“The biggest investment will be computers for every station,” said Cindy Flye, the center’s coordinator.

The center’s advisory board wants to increase the number of students actively using the center from 400 to 500, and new technology should help, Flye said.

When the receptionist is trying to pull up information and trying to sign in students, for example, things really slow down.


“It’s so slow that it decreases her efficiency to see more kids,” Flye said.

Maranacook has the oldest student-based health center in the state. Most of the furniture and equipment has been donated, some of it 18 years ago when the center opened.

Some grant money will go toward replacing furnishings to make the office more appealing to and comfortable for teenagers, the center’s grant application says.

“Everything we had was donated,” Flye said. “We were very fortunate, and we never would complain because we have a wonderful space, but it’ll just be so nice to make it kind of upscale, more like walking into your provider’s office.”

The center will buy a few new pieces of medical equipment, including an examination table and two portable defibrillators.

“We’re thrilled,” said RSU 38 Superintendent Rich Abramson said. “I think that’s the community rallying around that health center. We had some volunteers who wrote the grant to make that happen.”

Susan McMillan — 621-5645


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