If the state of Maine and the United States is to recover from the damage being done by the uncontrolled spending and rising debt, it must be stopped.

We must support the new governor in getting his budget passed, which will go a long way in helping Maine get back on a solid financial foundation.

It is only this type of budgeting, also being done by other governors in New Jersey, Ohio, Indiana and Wisconsin, that will make us financially strong again.

It is also important that we support the federal budget legislation being put forward by Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wis. The federal government has to stop spending more than it takes in.

Canada was doing the same, spending more than they were taking in. It decided continuing doing this would ruin the country, so officials cut spending and now have it under control.

I am sure if I paid for a cup of coffee with American dollars, as I did a long time ago, I would no longer receive more back in Canadian dollars than I gave.

If it is going to be, it is up to us as Maine and United States citizens. We should contact our legislators in Augusta and Washington and let them know it is time to put our financial house in order.

Tony Belliveau


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